Scientific Name: Physeter catodon
Weighing up to 59 tons and up to 70 feet in length, the sperm whale is the largest toothed whale. In Greek, the name means "spouter with teeth on the bottom." The lower jaw contains 18-25 teeth, which helps them successfully disgest squid and other cephalopods. Since squid is the whale's primary food, much of thier behavior and biology can be credited to the search of squid.
Since the past two centuries, one million sperm whales have been killed; Hunting being the primary source of their deaths. There are no other threats and hunting is currently no longer a contributor; however, the past catches up to us. An estimate of 20,000-100,000 sperm whales are remaining.
According to New York State's DEC, whales are often sighted in Long Island waters and occasionally become stranded or wash up dead mainly along the south shore of beaches. Sperm whales can be found anywhere in the world's most largest, deepest oceans from California to Hawaii (north of the Bering Sea) and from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico, bascially everywhere except the Artic region. Sperm whales sleep 3,000 to 6,000 feet under and go up to 8,000 feet in depth when diving.
The well-known sperm whale is generally being symbolized in toys and drawing, as well as books and movies -- Moby Dick. The most distinguishing part of the mammal is its massive head that contains spermaceti, a substance that was once used for candles and ointments. Sperm whales has the largest brain compared to any other mammal: the brain's weigh ranging from 15 to 20 pounds.
We adore the 1851 great American novel written by Herman Melville, and the 1956 motion picture, but we fail to realize these creatures are harmless to humans. They don't sink ships, bite off sailors' legs; however, in many countries people still tend to hunt the whales. Thanks to the Save The Whale movement in the 70's, the whales are believed to be saved.
Interesting Facts:
-Sperm Whales are often found to have thousands of beaks in their stomachs; Giant squid have beaks similar to those of a parrot.
-They swim at 550 feet per miute.
-In the 18th ad 19th century, New England "whalers" sought out for the rare spermaceti oil, which is known to make fine lubricant.
-Sperm whales can hunt complete darkness using echolocation: the whale produces a series of loud clicks that travel through the water and bounce of objects, reflecting the sound back to the whale.
- The blowhole is at an angle on the left side of its head. The blowhole looks like a pair lips and it works like one,too -- closing when the whale dives in order to keep water out.