Monday, September 14, 2009

Bathing, but Not Alone

While a group of microbiologists from the University of Colorado were conducting a project measuring the amount of microbes (a bacterium that causes diseases) in the indoor human environment, they discovered that humans bathe in the bacteria daily.

Norman Pace, head microbiologist of the experiment, said he had found 15 different types of bacteria in showers across the country. New York City has the highest level of a microbe called Mycobacterium avium. Wow. This startling statement is frightening because I'm a New Yorker who takes at least two showers a day. I'm disgusted knowing that I splash this tuberculosis related bacteria on my face. Luckily, Pace says that we're in no serious danger except those who have weak immune systems.
Cities treat their water supply with chlorine in order to kill most of the bacteria; however, this only gives avium an opportunity to live in our showers. Temporary solutions would be to use a metal showerhead rather than a plastic one and running the water for 30 seconds before entering the shower since the bacteria builds in the showerhead from the water causing it to spray out as soon as the shower is turned on.

Interesting Fact: Pace tested the air in New York City subways and found that "it's like outdoor air, fresh." The only reason for this fact is because the trains push fresh air into the tunnels when they're in motion. "It's healthier to breathe subway's air than the shower's mist."

Pace said these projects rose from a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, which was curious as to how they could get microbes that would be useful in a bioterriost attack. Scary, right? This article relates to alot of readers and journalism's 5 W's and H have been answered clearly.

"Dr. Pace said he was still taking showers, which he deemed no more dangerous than getting out of bed in the morning. “The yuck factor isn’t nearly as great as people may think it is,” he said." -The Science Times

1 comment:

  1. Good story. I'm curious to know if this is a problem everywhere or only in certain cities. You did a good job summarizing the information. Next time try for a punchier lede.
